Updates | Version 2.8.

In HMobile we are always looking for new ways to help the hotel team to work in a more coordinated and efficient way and to provide excellent service to guests. Let us present the latest features that we have incorporated into our tools .

1. Customer requests management: “Do Not Disturb”, “Clean Room” and “Do Not Clean Room”

When a guest requests not to be disturbed, to have the room cleaned or not to have the room cleaned, it is necessary that all hotel staff who have to perform any task in the room are properly informed of this.

See full explanation
2. Person-in-room” functionality in all modules.

In hotels that have an integration with the home automation system, the sensors detect the presence of a person in the room, and this information is displayed in the different modules of HMobile Staff. (More information about integrations can be found at: https://www.hmobile.es/en/integrations/)


So that housekeepers and chambermaids can know before they enter the room or decide which room to clean next.


It helps to check whether a particular room currently has a person in it or not before entering it.


When a person, for example from SSTT, has to perform a task for a room, he/she will be able to know whether the guest is inside or not.

3. New Room Status icons.


2 new icons have been added to increase the information:

Occupied (Arrived today):: The room is occupied, and the entry was made today.
Occupied (Day use):: The room is occupied, check-in has taken place today and check-out is scheduled for the same day.


The following information has been added:

Person in Room: Any of the above states is combined with a “P” to indicate that the sensors in the room detect the presence of a person in the room. (This function is only available in hotels with the integration with home automation system activated. (https://www.hmobile.es/en/integrations/).
Do Not Disturb, Make Up Room, Do Not Clean: When the room is occupied, this information related to guest requests can be added.

4. Create multi-room Services tasks from Room Status

It is common that, at the beginning of the day, it is necessary to create requests for many rooms to place Amenities etc. ….. Now, you can launch these requests very quickly and easily from Room Status. Here are the steps:

Open Rooms Status and select the desired rooms (e.g. planned entry). Click on the new button “New joint Services request”. “Services” opens automatically with the selected rooms. Choose the desired task for the rooms. At the end, it returns to Room Status.

HOUSEKEEPING: Rooms Status and Planning
5. How to control towel changes.

This new feature helps you save time and increase efficiency by making it easier to control towel changes in all rooms. Here are the steps:

Access to the configuration (Option 1): Room Status > Settings > Towels replacement.
Access to the configuration (Option 2, only in case you have the Planning Module contracted): Room Status > Job distribution > Settings > Towels replacement
Define periodicity: Mark towel change periodicity by room type.
Follow-up and changes: You will see all the information both on the mobile and on the web, and you will be able to make instant changes to the configuration.

View more information
6. See initial status and current planning status.

With this functionality, the actual picture of the planning can be seen at any time, taking into account the progress in the cleaning of the rooms and the differences in the occupancy status of the rooms.

7. Take into account the change of bed linen when calculating the allocation of rooms.

As you know, Hmobile allows you to automatically control which rooms require linen change and which do not. Now, in addition, the Planning module allows you to define the additional time required for the change of sheets, so that this time is taken into account in the allocation of rooms to maids and in the time calculations in the reports. For a more accurate and fairer allocation.

Here are the steps to follow:

Open: Room Status > Job distribution > Settings > Credits Choose the type of room you want. Add the bed linen change time for that room type. Time will be taken into account when allocating rooms.

8. Improvements in automatic room allocation.

At HMobile we know that agility and flexibility when it comes to daily cleaning allocation are essential. Therefore, in order to increase the flexibility of our tool, our planning module allows to perform the self-assignment based on “Section names” in addition to “Room names”. That way you can assign nearby rooms even if the name is not “nearby”.

Assign for entire sections: Each chambermaid will be assigned full sections until her available credits are filled.
Assign by room name: Each chambermaid will be assigned consecutive rooms until her available credits are filled.
Assign sorting by section/room: Each chambermaid will be assigned consecutive rooms until her available credits are filled.

9. Improvements to the display of comments in the history of a room

Display the comments made when reviewing a room, to facilitate follow-up and/or the next review. Add date, time and person who made a comment.

10. Search easier for a specific room in Room Status Web actions

It is often helpful to consult the list of actions in a room. For this, one of the options is to do it from the “actions” part. Here are the main steps:

Open: Room Status > View > Actions Find the room you want Consult the list of actions

11. Other improvements

This version includes other optimisations and improvements, including the following:

Services Desktop: New filters in service request detail report “Created by department X”, “Created by user X” and “Created by External System X”. Services Desktop: Improvements in services reports (task summary and top tasks): multiple status selection in filter. Services Desktop: Improvement in the colour of the status of each ticket in service lists to facilitate management in hotels with many requests, allowing. Better differentiation between “In execution” and “Finished”. Services Desktop: Maintain position in the list of services after consulting a ticket to speed up the work. RoomStatus APP: Better display of long location names in Room Status APP Android. RoomStatus Desktop: Incorporates DI and LC information into overall status report. HSK Planning: Show number of credits for each waitress when assigning and in paper reports. RoomStatus: Show automatic daily cleaning status changes in room history Configuration Services: Possibility to export the task lists of each category. User settings: Improved user search to make it easier to find users by name or login. User configuration: Facilitate the process of assigning service permissions when CREATING a new user. Improvements to avoid APP compatibility messages with latest Android versions. Optimisations in the response speed of room status and service listing..

Would you like to know more?

Contact with one of our experts to know more how our tools can help you improving work efficiency and service quality.

Cálcula el ahorro en tiempo y coste que puedes tener en tu hotel utilizando HMobile Housekeeping


