Help for Set-Up

Below we offer you information for the configuration of the different HMobile tools, so that you can customize them to fit your hotel needs.

Manual de acceso a HMobile

Descargar Manual

HMobile CONFIGURACIÓN: Puesta en marcha inicial.

Descargar Manual

HMobile HOUSEKEEPING: Configurar la Planificación.

Descargar Manual

HMobile PERIODIC TASKS: Manual para la Planificación de Tareas.

Descargar Manual
Crear, eliminar y modificar usuarios.
General, válido para todas las herramientas HMobile.


Services: personaliza las categorías y las tareas de tu hotel.
HMobile Services.

HMobile Staff Access Manual

Open Guide

HMobile CONFIGURATION 2.7: Initial set-up [from version 2.7].

Open Guide

User Management

Open Guide

HMobile SERVICES: Initial set-up

Open Guide

HMobile SERVICES: Works – Chained task configuration

Open Guide

Minibar Configuration: Initial set-up

Open Guide

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Open Guide

FAQ MELIA (Frequently Asked Questions)

Open Guide

Interfaces and communications diagram

Open Guide


Create, remove and update users.
HMobile Staff
Customize service classes, tasks and workflow according to the requirements of the hotel.
HMobile Services
Set up HMobile Opportunities in 4 easy steps
HMobile Opportunities
Cálcula el ahorro en tiempo y coste que puedes tener en tu hotel utilizando HMobile Housekeeping


