Nuevas funcionalidades de HMobile

Evolucionamos para facilitar la operativa diaria del hotel y mejorar la experiencia de los huéspedes.

New HMobile features

We evolve to facilitate the hotel's daily operations and improve the guest experience.

Document and analyze complaints and claims in a very simple way

Document and analyze complaints and claims in a very simple way

A well-documented and timely resolved complaint is always an opportunity for improvement, and helps to increase guest satisfaction. The following video shows how HMobile Opportunities helps:

  • Record guest complaints in a very simple and detailed way (categories, severity…).
  • Indicate if any reward has been given to the customer, and if so, quantify the cost.
  • Notify the corresponding managers of this new complaint by means of automatic notifications.
  • Follow up on complaints.
  • Obtain reports that help in the continuous improvement of the service.
What are your feelings
¿Tienes algún tipo de tarea que quieres gestionar con Periodic Tasks y no sabes cómo hacerlo? Contacta con nosotros y estaremos encantados de ayudarte.
Cálcula el ahorro en tiempo y coste que puedes tener en tu hotel utilizando HMobile Housekeeping


