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HMobile Lost & Found

Register and manage your hotel's lost items in a easy way

Simplify registration, straight from a mobile.

Reduces paper, avoids transcriptions and duplicate work.

Check the status of an object in just a few clicks, without having to consult the housekeeping department.

Simplify registration, straight from a mobile.

Reduces paper, avoids transcriptions and duplicate work.

Check the status of an object in just a few clicks, without having to consult the housekeeping department.

+7.000Objects managed in the last year.

Main Benefits

HMobile Lost Found Registro

Simplifies registration of lost objects from the moment they are found.

HMobile Lost Found Excel

Eliminates manual data transfer between papers and files.

HMobile Lost Found Busqueda

Simplifies the search of a claimed lost object.

HMobile Lost Found  Asignar

Automates the control of found objects when the storage time has finalized.

By avoiding unnecessary paperwork and manual control, you will save up to 10% of time spent on controlling lost items.

Calculate the time and cost savings you can have in your hotel

Calculate Calculate
The estimated savings for your hotel are:

Hours / year:

Cost (€, $...) / year:

Sheets for replacements and listings / year:

+ savings on paper Contact us for more information recalculate

Experience and Cycle of Use

HMobile Housekeeping Asignación habitaciones Ilustration

Person who finds the object

Register the found object

Register the lost objects when found from anywhere in a fast and easy way, through your mobile phone.

You will be able to add more information later, such as the place where the object has been stored.

HMobile Housekeeping Organización Image

Head of Area

Storage control and status changes

Manages the storage and the status changes easily, when/where the item has been stored, delivered back to the guest.

HMobile Housekeeping Seguimiento Ilustration


Monitoring and Searching

A list with filters and searches which are easy to use, help you to know the status of any lost object so you can respond swiftly and accurately to all your guest's inquiries.

HMobile Housekeeping Comunication Ilustration

Head of Area

Storage time control

Once the time set for each type of object has been reached, if the item hasn’t been able to be delivered back to the guest, an alert will automatically be distributed among employees or the system will perform the action that has been established by the hotel.

HMobile Housekeeping Validation Ilustration

Head of Area

Object delivered back in the hotel

Helps manage the task of returning the items back to guests on their next visit to the hotel.

How it works?

Very simple to use and easy to learn, you will be able to take advantage of it from the first day.

Do you want to know about the use and benefits? Contact us and one of our team will explain it to you without any obligation.

Contact us

Take a look at our videos and other resources to understand how it works better and to see what benefits it can bring to your hotel HMobile LOST & FOUND

Try it for 2 monsths for free

Contact us to find out more about how our tools can help your hotel workflows and try them for 2 months for free.

HMobile is the main hotel operations software platform in Spain, and has clients from all over the world.


Room cleaning managed daily.


Requests for services and tasks managed in the last year.


Hotel employees working as a team.


LHW hotels in Spain use HMobile to manage their operations.

Discover all our tools to improve efficiency and quality in the different hotel departments.

Cálcula el ahorro en tiempo y coste que puedes tener en tu hotel utilizando HMobile Housekeeping


